As we reflect on the last twenty years, and remember the 2,977 lives lost on American soil the day we learned even our skies are not altogether safe, and the some-6,800+ U.S. soldiers (in addition to the thousands of coalition partners, allies, and Peshmerga, etc) who’ve died in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war against ISIS ever since, let us do so with open hands. The Son of Man is truly coming on the clouds in power and glory, and He will end every war. He will rebuild and restore, and usher in the day tears cease to fall and bodies cease to die. He is our only surety. He is the joy set before us; let us not only look for and wait for Him—let us partner with Him in all He is doing to get us there.
Read MoreHinges of history are remembered with nostalgia, but they usually inflict whiplash when they’re happening. If you bear the Image & Name of the LORD, you are “obliged” to bear the Message of the LORD—and I believe the Creator of all has “appointed by name” Artists & Creatives to bear beautiful witness to the “blessed hope” that is the return and reign of the Man Christ Jesus, the Better Beautiful.
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