Bearing His Name, despite our own imperfections, is our great honor. Our many mistakes are rich fodder to learn the kind heart of God firstly toward ourselves so that we can share that honestly with others. If you are thinking that is too hard a task, know that He has already addressed that handily in this passage: “He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth.” He is up for hard! He will not give up on you or His mission till the ends of the earth are brought under His just rule.
Read MoreWhy did Messiah downplay his identity? Why did he hide his miracles? Because He had “an hour.”
Read MoreJim Bloom weaves a meaningful meditation on the psalmist's cry in Psalm 119, Moses' desperate plea to see the glory of the LORD, and our access to the Beautiful God through the blood and work of Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection. He is good, and He does good. Sit down for the Feast.
Read MoreWe who believe will marvel the sight of the One we’ve waited so long for. Jesus spoke of this coming moment, when Heaven ceases to contain Him, when every eye will see Him, as the “birth,” the joy for which every mother endures the pain of labor. And in the birth pangs, what the author of Hebrews calls “shakings,” I pray we come to love the earthquakes that betray our idols and quicksand foundations for all they are.
Read More“When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?” Jesus’ question thunders in my gut. I want an unoffended heart when I finally see Him. I want bright eyes and obedient faith in my final years and days.
Read MoreHe will, in fact, be the only One standing when every knee bows. His will be the only mouth silent when every tongue confesses the Lordship of Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Father—because He humiliated Himself first and lived a perfect life of full obedience, all the way to a criminal’s public execution. This is our “blessed hope,” and waiting for His coming on the clouds with glory is a good and right expectation.
Read MoreThe political spirit would like us to think standing up for our rights is paramount. It would like us to destroy people and property in the name of justice instead of bringing healing that only Christ in us can bring. It would like us to see people as their opinions and actions instead of imago Dei. It would like for us to think this battle is indeed against flesh and blood. But we know better.
Read MoreThe LORD commands that Israel observe her annual Feast of Booths, "Sukkot," by remembering how they lived in booths during their wilderness wanderings. Strangely, the actual Exodus doesn’t mention that the people of Israel slept in booths when they left Egypt.
Or does it?
Read MoreYom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, commanded to be observed annually in Leviticus 16. That chapter opens, however, with Aaron’s two sons, who “drew near to the LORD and died,” tragically highlighting humanity's fundamental problem: how can we draw near to God when our sin means approaching Him is death?
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