Our lives are not our own but belong to the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. There is no maturity without obedience, even unto death, if need be. We cannot waffle between two masters. We must consecrate ourselves entirely to the Lord not just in word, but in deed and truth.
Read MoreTwo generations appear, corruption spreads, and judgment falls like rain.
Read MoreNo one wants to get whooped so badly they can only escape by running through the public square bruised and bloodied in their birthday suit. But for all the popular fervor over “signs and wonders” putting the power of God on public display, only God can know the men and women with “hearts fully loyal to Him, on whose behalf He can show Himself strong.” May we be such a people.
Read MoreThe intensity of the dynamics present on the earth leading up to the return of Jesus can often result in people feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. The magnitude of the disruption coming to planet earth is only going to increase in the years to come. We want to respond to Jesus with wholeheartedness to what He is saying and doing, but what do we do when we feel weak and disqualify ourselves from wholehearted pursuit?
Read MoreScripturally speaking, music is warfare. Music is a uniquely effective teaching device. Music is the wave worship rides on in the throne room. Most significantly, it is a strategic means of fellowshipping with the One who inhabits eternity. If that doesn’t blow your mind, I don’t know what will. Yet in light of all these things, we find that music is one of His methods of maturing us.
Read MoreOver years and decades, I began to discover that praying for Israel isn’t necessarily about coming into agreement with a secular nation-state or endorsing the humanistic agenda of a governmental leader— especially when those plans and values may be contrary to the Kingdom of God. It’s not even about adopting those certain traditions from a foreign culture. Simply put, praying for Israel is about loving what God loves because we love Him. And because we love Him, what’s important to Him should be important to us.
Read MoreI love the life of David. There is nothing like it. I have enjoyed decades of musings over the man after God’s own heart in books, music, and movies to ignite my holy imagination. Apart from Jesus, no one is featured more prominently in the Scriptures than David. Like so many, one of the reasons I value the life of David so much is because we discover how to be a person after God’s heart when we fall flat on our face in sin and failure.
Read MoreEverywhere around us, people are telling us that the easy way is God's way, that He will give you rest and peace and an overall spa experience, but that is not what Jesus or any of the true prophets teach or experience for themselves. Which proves they must be wrong. Right?
Read MoreOne of the many paradoxes of following Jesus is that we gain access to eternal life, yet we are also subject to trials and tribulations as He conforms us into His image. Why does Jesus do this to His people? How do we walk this road, yet keep our hearts tender and unoffended? “Blessed is the one who is not offended by Me.”
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