Posts tagged Frontier Alliance International scandal
The Peril of Princes

It wasn’t God’s design for the people to have earthly kings. His desire for them was to have judges as the leadership in place, men and women who knew Him and were familiar with His ways, listening to Him for their guidance, rather than lusting after power and control—the undying, infamous motivation of earthly princes. We all long for a good and trustworthy king, but there is only one.

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Longing for the Incomparable

The hope of the prophets of old and the redemptive work that was guaranteed at the cross will be fulfilled. The Lord is burning with desire for the day He gets to come back, and so should we. It is only when we come into alignment with the Lord's heart for the restoration of all things that our participation will be "of the Father's business.”

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Looking Back to Look Forward [PILGRIM IV Excerpt] // FAI'S 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY

Taken from our 2021 Decade Edition of our annual PILGRIM Field Journal, FAI Director Jeff Henderson shares the formation and history of Frontier Alliance International; where we’ve come from, and where we are going, with breathless expectation in the return of Jesus and the age to come. Maranatha.

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The Legacy (An Excerpt from 'The Ultimate Conquest') // FAI'S 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY

FAI will celebrate our 10-Year Anniversary on December 23, 2021. In this excerpt from 'The Ultimate Conquest,' Director Jeff Henderson reflects on the life and legacy of Hudson Taylor and the China Inland Mission, and identifies the many values we have gleaned as a spiritual family.

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THE HOMEFRONT: For the Maturity of the Church Until He Returns

Jesse McCaleb, Director of the FAI Homefront, tells us why the Great Commission will not be fulfilled if it is on the back burner of the “to-do” list of the Church. “It will only be accomplished when believers, on both fronts, allow their everyday lives to be disturbed by the task of the Great Commission and when the Church is moved by the promise given for the task’s completion.” How do we pursue this?

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The Vaccination of Truth

FAI's own Director of Pastoral Care, Board member Martin Mallory, sits us down for fatherly wisdom to combat the voices of fear, shame, and pride—voices that are nearly always in our minds, but have been amplified through the COVID-19 pandemic.

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A Walk of Restoration

Founder & Co-Director of The Malachi Network, Rich Stevenson offers this guest article to FAI Publishing with a beautiful examination of Jesus' restorative walk with Peter. This simple conversation, and Jesus' simple charge to Peter, illuminates the simple obedience to our God and King required of all disciples.

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Scandal, Provocation, and the God who Goes Anywhere

The Law of Love goes anywhere and humbles itself before any person, that it may break their chains off. This is provocative and reforming, because religion derives its “holiness” from its separation from that which it deems dirty. Love sees filthiness and says, “I’ll wash you.” Love draws itself to the broken; religion separates itself to preserve its own whitewashed walls.

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