Two proclamations will increase and spread across the nations of the earth: (1) false prophecy and (2) the Good News of the Kingdom. This is important. The message of the Kingdom is good news. What good news of what Kingdom will bring comfort to us in that great and terrible Day? And what is this “end” He speaks of?
Read MoreThe pharmaceutical industry is a temporary institution. We only need healthcare for as long as we are stuck with fallible frames, and those days are numbered. This night of sickness, decay, and death in the Exile will soon be over. The greater Joshua will come, and resurrect His beloved ones. We will work with Him to restore the world to Eden again, but this time with more than just one man and just one woman. Jesus has an inheritance to fill the nations, the New Jerusalem, and the dinner table at the Wedding Feast. In the meantime, we get to help Him crowd it out as much as possible.
Read MoreAs we reflect on the last twenty years, and remember the 2,977 lives lost on American soil the day we learned even our skies are not altogether safe, and the some-6,800+ U.S. soldiers (in addition to the thousands of coalition partners, allies, and Peshmerga, etc) who’ve died in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war against ISIS ever since, let us do so with open hands. The Son of Man is truly coming on the clouds in power and glory, and He will end every war. He will rebuild and restore, and usher in the day tears cease to fall and bodies cease to die. He is our only surety. He is the joy set before us; let us not only look for and wait for Him—let us partner with Him in all He is doing to get us there.
Read MoreHinges of history are remembered with nostalgia, but they usually inflict whiplash when they’re happening. If you bear the Image & Name of the LORD, you are “obliged” to bear the Message of the LORD—and I believe the Creator of all has “appointed by name” Artists & Creatives to bear beautiful witness to the “blessed hope” that is the return and reign of the Man Christ Jesus, the Better Beautiful.
Read MoreWhat will the just Judge do with the worst of Jacob? What if all these horrible accusations against the people and nation of Israel were true? How would that bear upon the promises and provisions of the Everlasting Covenant? Stephanie Quick explores the prophetic texts to ask what God will do with Israel, even if she is indeed an apartheid state.
Read More“The LORD is zealous for Zion with great zeal," and thus there is a Zionism that is not carnal. Join Stephanie Quick and FAI for a family fireside chat to find the zeal of the Lord for Zion that produces a sanctified solidarity with Israel and jealousy that the King of the Jews be known, adored, and obeyed in the nations.
Read MoreThe cup of staggering, cup of stupor, is engineered to push us into the God of the Everlasting Covenant, the One who died to kill the carnality in us—because nothing of the flesh will survive eternity. In this era of rocket fury and the drunken stupor saturating social media, guard your heart. The only Goliath is the antichristic spirit that opposes the eternal purposes of God bound up in the everlasting covenant.
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